KL3201 Structural Dynamics
Home Work and Quiz 25%
Mid-Term 35%
Final Exam 45%
Mid-Term 35%
Final Exam 45%
Course Syllabi
1. Department, number, and title of course:
Ocean Engineering, KL3201, Structural Dynamics.
2. Course (catalog) description:
Vibrations of Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF) and Multi-Degree-of-Freedom (MDOF) systems, computational techniques for dynamic responses of SDOF and MDOF (shear building).
3. Prerequisites:
KL2101 Basic Engineering Analysis I
KL2103 Engineering Mechanics
KL2201 Basic Engineering Analysis II
KL2203 Mechanics of Materials
4. Textbook(s) and/or other materials:
1. Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1980.
2. R. W. Clough and J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
5. Course objectives:
After attending this course, the students are expected to understand basic concept and solution method for SDOF and MDOF structural dynamic (shear building).
6. Topics covered:
SDOF Free Oscillation with and without damping, natural frequency, damping ratio. Application: Simple Offshore Structure. SDOF response due to harmonic forcing, resonance, support motion or earthquake load, Dynamics Amplification Factor. Application: Simple Offshore Structure under Wave Loading and Earthquake.
Generalized coordinate system for rigid body. Application: Dynamic Analysis of Pontoon. Response to general dynamic loading, impulse loading, Duhamel’s Integral, constant force, rectangular force, and rectangular load. Application to Simple Offshore Structure.
MDOF, Multistory Shear Building: Stiffness Matrix, Free Vibration Shear Building and its response. Eigen Value-Eigen Vector, Natural Frequencies, Orthogonality. Forced Motion of Shear Buildings: Modal Superposition Method, Response to Ground Motion, Response to Harmonic Forcing. Application: Offshore Structure. SDOF structural response under random wave loading: Ocean Wave Force Spectrum, RAO, Structural Response Spectrum.
7. Class/laboratory schedule (number of sessions per week and duration of session):
Class meets once per week, 3 hours lecture and 1 hour response with assistant lecturer.
Ocean Engineering, KL3201, Structural Dynamics.
2. Course (catalog) description:
Vibrations of Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF) and Multi-Degree-of-Freedom (MDOF) systems, computational techniques for dynamic responses of SDOF and MDOF (shear building).
3. Prerequisites:
KL2101 Basic Engineering Analysis I
KL2103 Engineering Mechanics
KL2201 Basic Engineering Analysis II
KL2203 Mechanics of Materials
4. Textbook(s) and/or other materials:
1. Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1980.
2. R. W. Clough and J. Penzien, Dynamics of Structures, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
5. Course objectives:
After attending this course, the students are expected to understand basic concept and solution method for SDOF and MDOF structural dynamic (shear building).
6. Topics covered:
SDOF Free Oscillation with and without damping, natural frequency, damping ratio. Application: Simple Offshore Structure. SDOF response due to harmonic forcing, resonance, support motion or earthquake load, Dynamics Amplification Factor. Application: Simple Offshore Structure under Wave Loading and Earthquake.
Generalized coordinate system for rigid body. Application: Dynamic Analysis of Pontoon. Response to general dynamic loading, impulse loading, Duhamel’s Integral, constant force, rectangular force, and rectangular load. Application to Simple Offshore Structure.
MDOF, Multistory Shear Building: Stiffness Matrix, Free Vibration Shear Building and its response. Eigen Value-Eigen Vector, Natural Frequencies, Orthogonality. Forced Motion of Shear Buildings: Modal Superposition Method, Response to Ground Motion, Response to Harmonic Forcing. Application: Offshore Structure. SDOF structural response under random wave loading: Ocean Wave Force Spectrum, RAO, Structural Response Spectrum.
7. Class/laboratory schedule (number of sessions per week and duration of session):
Class meets once per week, 3 hours lecture and 1 hour response with assistant lecturer.
Lecture Notes
- Introduction (Grading, Syllabi, Textbook, Review, Dynamic-Static)
- Single Degree of Freedom System (SDOF) Free Vibration 1
- Single Degree of Freedom System (SDOF) Free Vibration 2
- SDOF Constant and Harmonic Forcing
- SDOF Ground Motion
- SDOF General Loading
- SDOF General Coordinates
- Multi Degree of Freedom System (MDOF) Shear Building Free Vibration 1
- Multi Degree of Freedom System (MDOF) Shear Building Free Vibration 2
- MDOF Shear Building General Forcing
- MDOF Shear Building Harmonic Forcing
- MDOF Shear Building Ground Motion
- SDOF Dynamics Structures Response to Random Wave 1
- SDOF Dynamics Structures Response to Random Wave 2