MoTuMMoTuM is an oil spill model software developed in Windows System which suitable for oil spill mitigation, contingency plans, oil spill risk assessment an back tracking of oil sources. The software integrated with Graphical Information System (GIS) and 3D Hydrodynamic Model (Muhydro3D).
MuSed3DMuSed3D is a three-dimensional hydrodynamics model with sediment transport model and imbedded with GIS. The sediment is divided into several grain size classes, and the sediment can be cohesive or non-cohesive sediment. An empirical formula of settling city is integrated in this software which based from laboratory experiment.
MuDrillCutting3DMuDrillCutting3D is a software to simulate the dispersion of drilling cutting and mud in sea water. A lagrangian drilling cutting/mud dispersion model is integrated into three dimensional hydrodynamics model to obtain concentration of cutting/mud dispersion at water column. The GIS is integrated into this model to display the results of simulation.
MuQual3DMuQual3D is a three dimensional water quality model using Non Orthogonal Boundary Fitted Technique. The software can simulate the pollutant as conservative or non-conservative. The results from the toxicology laboratory test can be integrated to simulate the impacted area.
MuHeat3DMuHeat3D is a software that can simulate heat dispersion from powerplant. The model is coupled with the effect of Density Induced Current (DIC). The model can be run in prognostic mode where the density and water temperature calculated in at the same time.
MuTsunamiMuTsunami utilize the state of the art of tsunami wave model and three-dimensional sediment transport model MuSed3D to simulate tsunami wave and sediment movement by integrating over depth the basic equation to vertically averaged 2D sediment transport model. MuTsunami consists of of four models:
MuFloodMuFlood is an integration of MuRiver and MuHydro3D which is a software to predict flood height and flood arrival time in personal computer. MuFlood can calculate the flood height from upstream river (super elevation area) to downstream of the river which is suitable for an early warning system.
MuDO3DMuDO3D is a water quality software that can simulate Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), NBOD, Salinity and Temperature in Time Series. The software is suitable for simulate water quality in a dense city area with complex river because the non orthogonal grid system.