KL4201 Ocean Environmental Control
Home Work and Quiz 25%
Mid-Term 35%
Final Exam 45%
Mid-Term 35%
Final Exam 45%
Course Syllabi
1. Department,
number, and title of course:
Ocean Engineering, KL4201, Ocean Environment Control.
2. Course (catalog) description:
The course is a basic knowledge in Ocean Environmental Control. Basic theory of pollutant transport (advection, diffusion, decay) Ocean environmental issues and solution. Application of water quality modeling and software.
3. Prerequisites:
KL2101 Basic Engineering Analysis I.
KL2102 Fluid Mechanics.
KL2201 Basic Engineering Analysis II.
4. Textbook(s) and/or other materials:
Thomann and Mueller. “Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control”, Harper & Row, 1987.
Fischer, H.B., et.al..”Mixing in inland and Coastal Waters”. Academic Press, 1979.
5. Course objectives:
The course is designed to provide the student with knowledge to understand and solve water quality transport in ocean environment, to design solution of ocean waste disposal, to apply water quality modeling, to understand the importance of integrated approach (abiotic, biotic, and culture) in ocean environment, to communicate design and analysis through oral presentation and report for latest ocean environmental issues.
6. Topics covered:
Basic theory of three dimensional water quality transport equation. Analytical solution of conservative and nonconservative substance for one dimensional problem. Solution of polutant dispersion in two and three dimensional for open ocean. Fundamental analysis of dissolved oxygen, euthrophication, toxic substance analysis, estuarine simplified mixing theory, suspended substance transport, and open ocean disposal. outfall design (Simple Jets, Buoyancy). Application of hydrodynamics and water quality modeling. Presentation and discussion of latest ocean environmental issues (oil spill, coral reef, dredging/reclamation, tailing disposal, global warming, produced water, etc.).
7. Class/laboratory schedule (number of sessions per week and duration of session):
Class meets once per week, 3-hour class by lecturer.
Ocean Engineering, KL4201, Ocean Environment Control.
2. Course (catalog) description:
The course is a basic knowledge in Ocean Environmental Control. Basic theory of pollutant transport (advection, diffusion, decay) Ocean environmental issues and solution. Application of water quality modeling and software.
3. Prerequisites:
KL2101 Basic Engineering Analysis I.
KL2102 Fluid Mechanics.
KL2201 Basic Engineering Analysis II.
4. Textbook(s) and/or other materials:
Thomann and Mueller. “Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control”, Harper & Row, 1987.
Fischer, H.B., et.al..”Mixing in inland and Coastal Waters”. Academic Press, 1979.
5. Course objectives:
The course is designed to provide the student with knowledge to understand and solve water quality transport in ocean environment, to design solution of ocean waste disposal, to apply water quality modeling, to understand the importance of integrated approach (abiotic, biotic, and culture) in ocean environment, to communicate design and analysis through oral presentation and report for latest ocean environmental issues.
6. Topics covered:
Basic theory of three dimensional water quality transport equation. Analytical solution of conservative and nonconservative substance for one dimensional problem. Solution of polutant dispersion in two and three dimensional for open ocean. Fundamental analysis of dissolved oxygen, euthrophication, toxic substance analysis, estuarine simplified mixing theory, suspended substance transport, and open ocean disposal. outfall design (Simple Jets, Buoyancy). Application of hydrodynamics and water quality modeling. Presentation and discussion of latest ocean environmental issues (oil spill, coral reef, dredging/reclamation, tailing disposal, global warming, produced water, etc.).
7. Class/laboratory schedule (number of sessions per week and duration of session):
Class meets once per week, 3-hour class by lecturer.
Lecture Notes
- Introduction (Grading, Syllabi, Textbook, Review)
- Basic Polutant Transport Equation (Advection, Diffusion, Decay)
- Analitical Solution Pollutant Transport Steady One Dimensional
- Dissolved Oxygen
- Introduction to Euthropication
- Group Presentation 1
- Group Presentation 2
- Introduction and training Software MoTuM
- Group Presentation MoTuM Application
- Simplified Mixing Concept for Estuary
- Analytical Solution Pollutant Transport in Open Ocean
- Introduction to Toxicity
- Ocean Disposal 1
- Ocean Disposal 2